Lakhisarai Pin code

811106 - Akbarpur
811106 - Alinagar
811106 - Amarpur
811106 - Bijulia
811106 - Dighari
811106 - K T Laxmipur
811106 - Kiranpur
811106 - Mustafapur
811106 - Nandpur
811106 - Paharpur
811106 - Shamho
811106 - Ss Barari
811106 - Surajgaraha
811112 - Abhaypur
811112 - Loshghani
811112 - Piri Bazar
811302 - B Dariyapur
811302 - Barhiya
811302 - Birupur
811302 - Chetan Tola Khutha
811302 - Dumari
811302 - Ganga Sarai
811302 - Jaitpur
811302 - Jalal Pur Nauranga
811302 - Khutha
811302 - L Kalyanpur
811302 - Pipariya
811302 - Sadaibigha
811302 - Talsharama
811309 - Arma
811309 - Kajra
811309 - Lai
811309 - Pawai
811309 - Pokhrama
811309 - Urain
811310 - Bannu Bagicha
811310 - Bichhwey
811310 - Gopalpur
811310 - Janki Dih Beldaria
811310 - Kiulrs
811310 - Malia
811310 - Mananpur
811310 - Mano
811310 - Rampur
811310 - Sahoor
811310 - Sangrampur
811310 - Shobhani
811310 - Singhchak
811311 - Aurey
811311 - Baghaur
811311 - Balgudar
811311 - Belari
811311 - Bhabangama
811311 - Cr Lakhisarai
811311 - Damodar Pur
811311 - Dhiradar
811311 - Dihra
811311 - G Parsando
811311 - Halsi
811311 - Kendi
811311 - Kisanpur
811311 - Konag
811311 - Lakhisarai
811311 - Lakhisarai Court
811311 - Mahisona
811311 - Manjhway
811311 - Mankattha
811311 - Mohanpur
811311 - Nandnama
811311 - Pacham
811311 - Parsama
811311 - Pblakhisarai
811311 - Ramchandrapur
811311 - Ramgarh
811311 - Ramnagar
811311 - Rehua
811311 - S Khairma
811311 - S Salaunja
811311 - Sharma
811311 - Shiovsona
811311 - Tetarhat
811311 - Walipur

Lakhisarai Pin code / Lakhisarai Postal Code

Lakhisarai postal code is also known as Lakhisarai zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Lakhisarai was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Lakhisarai.

The pincode of Lakhisarai consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Lakhisarai city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Lakhisarai from 811106 to 811311.

Lakhisarai head post office pin code is 811106.

for example, In Lakhisarai pin code 811311, where 811 is Lakhisarai postal region code and 311 is  Post office Kisanpur in the City of Lakhisarai.

There are total 6 postal codes and 82 post offices in Lakhisarai, Bihar.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Lakhisarai.

811106 - Ss Barari
811311 - Parsama
811311 - Sharma
811311 - Shiovsona
811311 - Walipur
811311 - S Khairma

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Lakhisarai India postal codes?
Lakhisarai India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Lakhisarai?
Lakhisarai India STD code is 6346.

3. How many pin code in Lakhisarai?
There are  6 pin code and 82 post offices in Lakhisarai.

4. What is the Kisanpur Lakhisarai pin code?
Kisanpur Lakhisarai pin code is 811311

5. What is the Tetarhat Lakhisarai pin code?
Tetarhat Lakhisarai pin code is 811311

6. Lakhisarai is in which state?
Lakhisarai is a city in the state of Bihar, India

What is Lakhisarai Address Format?

Bhavya Gupta
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Lakhisarai - Bihar

What is Lakhisarai Postal code Format?
Lakhisarai India Postal code format