West Khasi Hills Pin code

793106 - Balat
793106 - Borsora
793106 - Dholai
793106 - Gumaghat
793106 - Khonjoy
793106 - Makali
793106 - Mawput
793106 - Munai
793106 - Puksora
793106 - Pyndeng Sohsaw
793106 - Rajapara
793106 - Ranikor
793106 - Rongasora
793106 - Sarin
793106 - Sonatola
793106 - Telsora
793106 - Trongpleng
793106 - Umpung
793115 - Khlieh Lyngkhoi
793115 - Krang
793115 - Lyngkhoi
793115 - Madan Bitaw
793115 - Mawpun
793115 - Nongspung
793115 - Sohiong
793115 - Sohpian
793119 - Byrki
793119 - Jaidoh
793119 - Khliehmawlieh
793119 - Laitkseh
793119 - Langdongdai
793119 - Marskuin
793119 - Maweitlyngngam
793119 - Mawkohngei
793119 - Mawlieh
793119 - Mawthengkut
793119 - Mawthungkper
793119 - Myriem
793119 - Nongbah
793119 - Nongkasen
793119 - Nonglang
793119 - Nongpyndeng
793119 - Nongsdad Dkhar
793119 - Nongshyrkon
793119 - Nongstoin
793119 - Nongthynniew
793119 - Pam Briew
793119 - Phlangdiloin
793119 - Pyndengrei
793119 - Rambrai
793119 - Rangblang
793119 - Shallang
793119 - Thangpylleng Pyndemkseh
793119 - Umdohlun
793119 - Umsohpieng
793119 - Umyap
793119 - Wahkaji
793120 - Dungki Ingdong
793120 - Iewmaroid
793120 - Khlieh Lyngkhoi
793120 - Kynrut
793120 - Kynshi
793120 - Laitdombah
793120 - Langtor
793120 - Lawbyrtun
793120 - Lyngkhoi
793120 - Madanbynther
793120 - Mairang
793120 - Manai
793120 - Mawkarah
793120 - Mawshut
793120 - Myriaw
793120 - Nongkhlaw
793120 - Nongthliew
793120 - Nongum
793120 - Pariong
793120 - Tiehnongbah
793120 - Umkrem
793120 - Umthlong
793121 - Lyngiong
793121 - Madan Bitaw
793121 - Marbisu
793121 - Mawkriah
793121 - Mawngap
793121 - Mawphlang
793121 - Mawpun
793121 - Mawreng
793121 - Mawtiehbah
793121 - Nongspung
793121 - Pongkung
793121 - Rangshken
793121 - Sohpian
793121 - Tyrsad
793121 - Weiloi
793126 - Langdongdai
793126 - Mawthengkut
793126 - Riangdo Bazar
793126 - Seinduli
793126 - Shallang
793126 - Umsohpieng

West Khasi Hills Pin code / West Khasi Hills Postal Code

West Khasi Hills postal code is also known as West Khasi Hills zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in West Khasi Hills was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of West Khasi Hills.

The pincode of West Khasi Hills consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the West Khasi Hills city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in West Khasi Hills from 793106 to 793126.

West Khasi Hills head post office pin code is 793106.

for example, In West Khasi Hills pin code 793120, where 793 is West Khasi Hills postal region code and 120 is  Post office Umthlong in the City of West Khasi Hills.

There are total 6 postal codes and 100 post offices in West Khasi Hills, Megalaya.

Here are some most popular postal codes in West Khasi Hills.

793106 - Makali
793121 - Nongspung
793126 - Riangdo Bazar
793126 - Seinduli
793126 - Umsohpieng
793126 - Langdongdai

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a West Khasi Hills India postal codes?
West Khasi Hills India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of West Khasi Hills?
West Khasi Hills India STD code is 3654.

3. How many pin code in West Khasi Hills?
There are  6 pin code and 100 post offices in West Khasi Hills.

4. What is the Umthlong West Khasi Hills pin code?
Umthlong West Khasi Hills pin code is 793120

5. What is the Shallang West Khasi Hills pin code?
Shallang West Khasi Hills pin code is 793126

6. West Khasi Hills is in which state?
West Khasi Hills is a city in the state of Megalaya, India

What is West Khasi Hills Address Format?

Jaideep Gupta
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
West Khasi Hills - Megalaya

What is West Khasi Hills Postal code Format?
West Khasi Hills India Postal code format