Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Postal code
Bangka Belitung Islands is a part of Indonesia and is called that. Bangka and Belitung are the two main islands in the province. There are also a lot of smaller islands in the area. Bordered by the Bangka Strait to the west, is Bangka Belitung. The Natuna Sea is next to the north, the Java Sea to the south, the Karimata Strait to the east and the Java Sea to the west. Pangkal Pinang is the capital and the largest city in the province, and it is also the largest city. In 2020, Bangka Belitung had a population of 1,455.678 people. The province has an area of 16,424.06 km2 (6,341.37 sq mi). People in the province live in an equatorial climate with tropical rainforests, but these forests are being cut down. In the province and island of Bangka, Mount Maras is the tallest point, with a height of 699 m. (2,293 ft). Each county in Japan has a river. There are a lot of rivers in Sebuku. There are also rivers in Baturusa and Mendo. The province is ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse. The major groups are Malays, Chinese, and Javanese. An Indonesian dialect of Malay and Hakka are used as the common language of the province. The province is home to a large number of people who speak a variety of languages. Bangka Belitung has been a part of the kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit, and Palembang in the past, before becoming a colony of other countries. Bangka Belitung was part of the Dutch East Indies. After Indonesia became a country, the region was part of the province of Sumatra and then of South Sumatra. It became the 31st province of Indonesia in 2000, when Bangka Belitung was made a state. The name "Bangka" comes from the word "wangka," which means "tin" in Sanskrit, because this area is full of tin mining. Wangka and "Swarnabhumi" were both first used in an Indian literary book called Milindrapantha from the 1st Century BC, and they were both used together. The island of Sumatra is called Swarnabhumi. There is a strong claim that the island called "Wangka" is the island of Bangka. An author named Louis-Charles Damais says that the word "vowel" comes from the word Bangka. This word is found in his book, Epigraphy and History of the Nusantara (vanca). The name "Belitung" comes from Billitonite, which means "Black Meteorite" in Dutch. The Black Meteorite can be found on the island of Belitung. This stone was found during the time that Belitung was a place where tin was being mined. As time went on, Dutch academics writing about the east Indian islands began to call the island Billitonite or Billiton. Billitonite, also known as Black Meteorite, is now a popular souvenir from Belitung Island.
Agus Prabowo
Jl. Sudirman No. 123
Bangka 33172
Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Indonesia