Pegunungan Arfak Postal code

98350 - Testega
98351 - Anggi
98351 - Membey
98351 - Menyambouw
98352 - Catubouw
98353 - Hingk
98354 - Anggi
98354 - Membey
98355 - Anggi
98356 - Anggi Gida
98357 - Taige
98358 - Sururey
98359 - Didohu
98377 - Testega
98378 - Catubouw
98381 - Didohu
98382 - Taige
98383 - Membey
98384 - Anggi Gida
98385 - Sururey
98387 - Menyambouw
The postal code of Pegunungan Arfak Indonesia ranges from 98350 to 98387 and there are total 18 postal codes. Pegunungan Arfak Postal code consists of 5-digit code and the format is XXXX, where first 3-digit represents the City code and last 2-digit represents the delivery area. The postal code system of Pegunungan Arfak was introduced by Pos Indonesia.
What is Pegunungan Arfak Address Format?

Indah Permatasari
H.No #294 Street Name
Pegunungan Arfak - 98350

What is Pegunungan Arfak Zipcode format?
Example of Kode Pos or Postal code of Pegunungan Arfak and Address format