Sorong Selatan Postal code

98211 - Konda
98212 - Moswaren
98213 - Saifi
98214 - Seremuk
98215 - Wayer
98216 - Teminabuan
98221 - Kokoda
98222 - Kais
98223 - Inanwatan
98224 - Kokoda Utara
98225 - Metemani
98226 - Kais Darat
98231 - Fokour
98232 - Sawiat
98233 - Salkma
98435 - Seremuk
98451 - Seremuk
98452 - Wayer
98453 - Saifi
98454 - Teminabuan
98456 - Sawiat
98457 - Fokour
98458 - Konda
98461 - Moswaren
98462 - Kais
98463 - Metemani
98464 - Inanwatan
98465 - Kokoda
98466 - Kokoda Utara
The postal code of Sorong Selatan Indonesia ranges from 98211 to 98466 and there are total 29 postal codes. Sorong Selatan Postal code consists of 5-digit code and the format is XXXX, where first 3-digit represents the City code and last 2-digit represents the delivery area. The postal code system of Sorong Selatan was introduced by Pos Indonesia.
What is Sorong Selatan Address Format?

Ayu Kartika
H.No #289 Street Name
Sorong Selatan - 98211

What is Sorong Selatan Zipcode format?
Example of Kode Pos or Postal code of Sorong Selatan and Address format