Teluk Bintuni Postal code

98131 - Aroba
98132 - Babo
98133 - Fafurwar
98134 - Kaitaro
98135 - Kuri
98136 - Sumuri
98141 - Bintuni
98142 - Dataran Beimes
98143 - Manimeri
98144 - Tembuni
98145 - Tuhiba
98146 - Wamesa
98151 - Aranday
98152 - Kamundan
98153 - Meyado
98154 - Moskona Barat
98155 - Moskona Selatan
98156 - Tomu
98157 - Weriagar
98161 - Biscoop
98162 - Masyeta
98163 - Merdey
98164 - Moskona Timur
98165 - Moskona Utara
98551 - Bintuni
98552 - Manimeri
98553 - Dataran Beimes
98554 - Tuhiba
98555 - Tembuni
98556 - Weriagar
98557 - Tomu
98558 - Aranday
98559 - Kamundan
98561 - Merdey
98562 - Biscoop
98563 - Masyeta
98564 - Meyado
98565 - Moskona Selatan
98566 - Moskona Barat
98567 - Moskona Utara
98568 - Moskona Timur
98571 - Babo
98572 - Sumuri
98573 - Aroba
98574 - Fafurwar
98575 - Kaitaro
98576 - Kuri
98577 - Wamesa
The postal code of Teluk Bintuni Indonesia ranges from 98131 to 98577 and there are total 48 postal codes. Teluk Bintuni Postal code consists of 5-digit code and the format is XXXX, where first 3-digit represents the City code and last 2-digit represents the delivery area. The postal code system of Teluk Bintuni was introduced by Pos Indonesia.
What is Teluk Bintuni Address Format?

Dewi Lestari
H.No #87 Street Name
Teluk Bintuni - 98131

What is Teluk Bintuni Zipcode format?
Example of Kode Pos or Postal code of Teluk Bintuni and Address format