Teluk Wondama Postal code

98331 - Nikiwar
98332 - Roswar
98333 - Rumberpon
98334 - Soug Jaya
98335 - Wamesa
98336 - Windesi
98341 - Kuri Wamesa
98342 - Naikere
98343 - Rasiey
98344 - Roon
98345 - Duairi
98346 - Wasior
98347 - Wondiboy
98581 - Windesi
98582 - Nikiwar
98583 - Roswar
98583 - Wamesa
98584 - Roswar
98585 - Rumberpon
98586 - Soug Jaya
98591 - Rasiey
98592 - Duairi
98593 - Wasior
98595 - Naikere
98596 - Kuri Wamesa
98599 - Roon
The postal code of Teluk Wondama Indonesia ranges from 98331 to 98599 and there are total 25 postal codes. Teluk Wondama Postal code consists of 5-digit code and the format is XXXX, where first 3-digit represents the City code and last 2-digit represents the delivery area. The postal code system of Teluk Wondama was introduced by Pos Indonesia.
What is Teluk Wondama Address Format?

Rina Permata
H.No #211 Street Name
Teluk Wondama - 98331

What is Teluk Wondama Zipcode format?
Example of Kode Pos or Postal code of Teluk Wondama and Address format