Duhok Postal code
About Duhok Iraq
Duhok is the capital of the Duhok Governorate in Iraq's Kurdistan Region.
According to Evliya elebi, the city was formerly called Dohuk-e Dasinya, after the fierce and formidable Dasini Yazidi tribe. The Yazidi population is still large, but has declined in recent years as a result of persecution. This enabled Muslims, Christians, and Jews to establish themselves in the town.
When Hasan Beg Saifadin joined the Bahdinan Principality in 1236, the city gained prominence. The Ottomans abolished the principality in 1842, and the territory was controlled from Mosul. Claudius Rich characterised Dohuk in 1820 as a little town with 300 homes and the main settlement of the Kurdish Doski tribe, who also resided in eighty villages. In 1851, Henry Aaron Stern noted the city's diverse population and reported a Jewish presence. Additionally, he noted the mayor's Chaldean Catholicism. According to Rabbi Yechiel, the city had two minyans in 1859.
In 1929, the city had a population of 3,500, the majority of whom were Kurdish. Sixty-five of the 550 households were Christian, while thirty were Jewish. Additionally, the city sheltered Turkish Tyari and Chaldean refugees.
Tens of thousands of Yazidi and Assyrian Christian internally displaced persons (IDPs) also live in the city as a result of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIL) expansion into Iraq in 2014 and the subsequent fall of Mosul and the Nineveh Plains region following two more months of fighting, in addition to the Sinjar massacre, in which 5,000 Yezidis were massacred as part of ISIL's genocide of Yazidis. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM-Iraq), Duhok Governorate housed 326,106 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 169 different areas as of June 2019.
Reem Jawad Al-Adhami
House No. #95 Street Name
Amadiya - Duhok