Italy Postal code
Italy Postcode:-
On July 1, 1967, the Italian postal code, known as "Postal Code" or abbreviated CAP, was adopted for the first time. The State Postcode was created using the first five digits. The territory was divided into 12.500 distinct postal centres after the new system was implemented, each with its own CAP.
The province is indicated by the first two digits of the Italian postal code. There were only 90 provinces in 1967, but there are now 110. The old province is referenced in the postal code.
The provincial capital is represented by the third character of the postal code. Italian postcodes are used in San Marino and the Vatican States. The Vatican's postcode is 00120, while San Marino's ranges from 47 890 to 47 899.
Pronunciation is important.
The province's chief town is represented by the first two digits of Italy CAP, and the remaining towns and villages are represented by the last three digits.
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Home Delivery&Nbsp;
Claudio Verdi
Via Roma 35
81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere Ce
Post Office Box Addresses
Claudio Verdi
Ufficio Roma Trullo
Casella Postale 14123
00149 Roma Rm
![Italy Zipcode Format](
- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 4691 Postal Code In Italy
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 58.9Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Rome
- Dialing Code :-39