Gifu Ken Postal code
This is how many people live in Gifu Prefecture: 1,991,390 people live there right now. The prefecture has a total area of 10,621 square miles (4,101 sq mi). If you go to the north, you'll find Toyama Prefecture. To the northwest, you'll find Fukui Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture, Mie Prefecture to the southwest, Aichi Prefecture to the south, and Nagano Prefecture to the east. Gifu Prefecture is in the middle of all of these places. You can find the capital and largest city of the region, as well as other big cities like gaki and Kakamigahara, in Gifu. Gifu Prefecture is in the middle of Japan, one of only eight landlocked prefectures, and has the country's most people living there. For a long time, Gifu Prefecture has been a crossroads for Japan. It has routes that connect east and west, such as the Nakasendo, one of the Five Routes of the Edo Period. Oda Nobunaga and Sait Dsan, two important figures in Japanese history during the Sengoku period, lived in Gifu Prefecture for a long time. This phrase, "control Gifu and you control Japan," became popular in the late Medieval era. As a place where Japanese swords and knives are made, Gifu Prefecture is known for its traditional Washi paper industry, which makes Gifu Lanterns and Gifu Umbrellas. For 1,300 years, cormorant fishing has been done on the Nagara River in Gifu Prefecture. It was at this river that the Battle of Sekigahara took place.
Okamoto Shogo
3Rd Floor Rm. B, Hakusan
503-0100 Ampachi Gun
Gifu Ken Japan