Ungheni Postal code
Ungheni Postal code
Ungheni postal code is a 4-digit code including 2digit alphabet ranging from MD3601 to MD3652 . There are total 76 postal code in Ungheni. Ungheni Moldova postal code format is MD-XXXX, that is assign by Posta Moldovei. The first two digits (AZ) represent the ISO code, the next two digits indicate the province or city, and the last two digits represent the delivery post office code.Postal Code is also known as Zip Code or Postcode.
FAQ:-How many digits are there in a Ungheni Moldova postal codes?
Ungheni Moldova used a 4-digit code including 2digit alphabet postal code system, and the format is MD-XXXX.
Ungheni Moldova Address Format
Daria Prigoreanu
Strada Anton Pann 4
MD3652 - Zagarancea
Ungheni Moldova Postal code format