Kho Lam Postal code

Kho Lam Myanmar Postcode

In Kho Lam Myanmar, there are a total of 6 Postcodes, and the postcode range is 0671001 to 0671006. Kho Lam Postcode consists of a 7-digit code, Where the first 2-digits represent the region/province, The next two digits represent the district area, and the last 3 digit identify the local delivery area or specific Village Name. The postal system in the Myanmar is operated by MyanmarPost, which is the national postal service.A new postal code system was implemented in 2022, transitioning from a 5-digit format to a 7-digit format.


How many digits are there in a Kho Lam Myanmar postcode?
Kho Lam Myanmar used a 7-digit postal code system and the format is XXXXXXX.

What is Kho Lam Myanmar Address Format?

Ma Hlaing
41 Radio Station Rd
0671001 - No (1) Quarter
Kho Lam

What is Kho Lam Myanmar Zipcode Format?
Kho Lam Myanmar Postal code format