Matupi Postal code

0306001 - Cangbong Quarter
0306002 - Khoboi Quarter
0306003 - Lungvan Quarter
0306004 - Ngalar Quarter
0306200 - Luivang
0306201 - Tangku Village Tract
0306202 - Radui Village Tract
0306203 - Ngaleng
0306204 - Kace Village Tract
0306205 - Congthia
0306206 - Angthaw
0306207 - Lalui Village Tract
0306208 - Dai Hnan
0306209 - Leising
0306210 - Leiring
0306211 - Awkla Village Tract
0306212 - Nhawte Village Tract
0306213 - Phaneng
0306214 - Vuitu Village Tract
0306215 - Ramting
0306216 - Haltu Village Tract
0306217 - Thlangpang
0306218 - Amsoi Village Tract
0306219 - Valangpi
0306220 - Valangte
0306221 - Cangtak
0306222 - Lungpang
0306223 - Lingtui
0306224 - Raukthang
0306225 - Rung Village Tract
0306226 - Pangtui
0306227 - Madu Village Tract
0306228 - Vuilu Village Tract
0306229 - Sabaungte
0306230 - Darling
0306231 - Sabongpi
0306232 - Sapaw Village Tract
0306233 - Tisi Village Tract
0306234 - Lalengpi
0306235 - Sungseng
0306236 - Lailengte
0306237 - Sakhai Village Tract
0306238 - Satu Village Tract
0306239 - Lotaw Village Tract
0306240 - Tingsi Village Tract
0306241 - Vawti Village Tract
0306242 - Balei Village Tract
0306243 - Lungngo
0306244 - Resaw Village Tract
0306245 - Lungdua
0306246 - Nabung Village Tract
0306247 - Cangceh
0306248 - Daidin Village Tract
0306249 - Hriangpi
0306250 - Sate Village Tract
0306251 - Leikan Village Tract
0306252 - Ruava Village Tract
0306253 - Calthawng
0306254 - Shar Shi
0306255 - Shar Ta Lai
0306256 - Aiktar Village Tract
0306257 - Sawtui Village Tract
0306258 - Hinthang
0306259 - E-tang Village Tract
0306260 - Tibing Village Tract
0306261 - Hunglei
0306262 - Thawang

Matupi Myanmar Postcode

In Matupi Myanmar, there are a total of 67 Postcodes, and the postcode range is 0306001 to 0306262. Matupi Postcode consists of a 7-digit code, Where the first 2-digits represent the region/province, The next two digits represent the district area, and the last 3 digit identify the local delivery area or specific Village Name. The postal system in the Myanmar is operated by MyanmarPost, which is the national postal service.A new postal code system was implemented in 2022, transitioning from a 5-digit format to a 7-digit format.


How many digits are there in a Matupi Myanmar postcode?
Matupi Myanmar used a 7-digit postal code system and the format is XXXXXXX.

What is Matupi Myanmar Address Format?

Daw Shwe
No.30 Aung Taw Mu St
0306001 - Cangbong Quarter

What is Matupi Myanmar Zipcode Format?
Matupi Myanmar Postal code format