Shwebo Postal code

0226001 - No (1) Quarter
0226002 - No (2) Quarter
0226003 - No (3) Quarter
0226004 - No (4) Quarter
0226005 - No (5) Quarter
0226006 - No (6) Quarter
0226007 - No (7) Quarter
0226008 - No (8) Quarter
0226009 - No (9) Quarter
0226010 - No (10) Quarter
0226200 - Ta Ga Nan
0226201 - Zee Taw
0226202 - Aung Chan Thar
0226203 - Bone Bwet
0226204 - Yin Bar
0226205 - Pa Daung
0226206 - Taung Tin
0226207 - Shar Taw
0226208 - Min Kone
0226209 - Oke Shit Kan
0226210 - Chi Par
0226211 - Lone Taw
0226212 - Pa Laing
0226213 - Kun Seik
0226214 - Wun Si Village Tract
0226215 - Tet Tu Village Tract
0226216 - Htan Sin
0226217 - Hta Naung Wun
0226218 - Pi Tauk Khaung
0226219 - Khun Taung Nge
0226220 - Si Thar
0226221 - Hpoke Kone
0226222 - Kyauk Myaung
0226223 - Ma Au Village Tract
0226224 - Shwe Gun
0226225 - Ma Lar Village Tract
0226226 - Ma Khauk
0226227 - Se Pin Kyun
0226228 - Ku Lar Ma
0226229 - Ohn Pauk
0226230 - Kan Gyi Taw
0226231 - Gway Pin Kone
0226232 - Ta Ohn Village Tract
0226233 - Kyoe Kyar
0226234 - Ta Kan Thar
0226235 - Thit Cho Pin
0226236 - Chaung Son
0226237 - Pauk Tone
0226238 - Ta Khun Taing
0226239 - Tha Pyay Thit Cho
0226240 - Min Kyaung
0226241 - Kan Hpyu
0226242 - Sin Kut
0226243 - Kawt Village Tract
0226244 - Na Maw Village Tract
0226245 - Boe Daw Taw
0226246 - Sin Inn
0226247 - Tha But Taw
0226248 - Ku Toet Seik
0226249 - Myin See
0226250 - Tha Yet Pin Wun
0226251 - Nyaung Kaing
0226252 - Yone Taw
0226253 - Tei Pin
0226254 - Ywar Soe
0226255 - War Yon Kan
0226256 - Saung Tan
0226257 - Seik Khun
0226258 - Tint Tei
0226259 - Myin Chin
0226260 - Tha Lone
0226261 - Ywar Taw
0226262 - Pan Yan
0226263 - Zee Hpyu Kone
0226264 - Hna Ma Sar Yit
0226265 - Leik Chin
0226266 - Nyaung Pin Thar
0226267 - Kyar Village Tract
0226268 - Khun Taung Gyi
0226269 - Nyaung Kan
0226270 - Sint Ton
0226271 - Kyet Tet
0226272 - Tei Pin

Shwebo Myanmar Postcode

In Shwebo Myanmar, there are a total of 83 Postcodes, and the postcode range is 0226001 to 0226272. Shwebo Postcode consists of a 7-digit code, Where the first 2-digits represent the region/province, The next two digits represent the district area, and the last 3 digit identify the local delivery area or specific Village Name. The postal system in the Myanmar is operated by MyanmarPost, which is the national postal service.A new postal code system was implemented in 2022, transitioning from a 5-digit format to a 7-digit format.


How many digits are there in a Shwebo Myanmar postcode?
Shwebo Myanmar used a 7-digit postal code system and the format is XXXXXXX.

What is Shwebo Myanmar Address Format?

U Moe Kyaw
37 Kabar Aye Pagoda Road
0226267 - Kyar Village Tract

What is Shwebo Myanmar Zipcode Format?
Shwebo Myanmar Postal code format