Twantay Postal code

1133001 - Kun Chan Quarter
1133002 - Zay Thit Quarter
1133003 - Ohn Pin Su Quarter
1133004 - Min Paing Quarter
1133005 - Kyun Taw Quarter
1133006 - Shwe San Taw Quarter
1133007 - Oe Bo (East) Quarter
1133008 - Oe Bo (West) Quarter
1133200 - Khat Ti Ya
1133201 - Ah Ka la
1133202 - Ka Tha Paung
1133203 - Kywe Da Yut
1133204 - Kayin Chaung
1133205 - Kha Naung Htein Ta Pin
1133206 - Sar Hpyu Su
1133207 - Yae Twin Kone
1133208 - Tu Chaung Gyi
1133209 - Ma Wun Village Tract
1133210 - Kyi Seik
1133211 - Tet Thit
1133212 - Tha Wun Taw
1133213 - Ta Khun Taing
1133214 - Ah Dun Village Tract
1133215 - Twantay Wa
1133216 - Pa Thi Village Tract
1133217 - Zee Hpyu Kone
1133218 - Kha Lauk Chaik
1133219 - Kha Yan Wa
1133220 - Kha Yan Gyi
1133221 - Kha Yan Hpyar
1133222 - Ka Li Htaw
1133223 - Kyi Tan
1133224 - Ta Ka Hleit
1133225 - Yae Kyaw
1133226 - Ta Mar Ta Kaw
1133227 - Ta Man Gyi
1133228 - Kan Village Tract
1133229 - Ku Lar Tan
1133230 - Ma Ngay (Middle)
1133231 - Byauk Yoe
1133232 - Let Pan Gwa
1133233 - Kyun Ka lay
1133234 - Ah Lat Chaung
1133235 - Gyaung Waing
1133236 - Pyawbwe Lay
1133237 - Peik Swei
1133238 - Yangon Pauk
1133239 - Kyaik Tha Le
1133240 - Hpa Yar Gyi
1133241 - Pauk Taw
1133242 - Hpa Yar Ngoke To (South)
1133243 - Hpa Yar Ngoke To (North)
1133244 - Kan Beit
1133245 - San Village Tract
1133246 - Ah Yoe Taung
1133247 - Kyun Bet
1133248 - Ka Pin Gyi
1133249 - Kyaung Su
1133250 - Ah Lel Chaung
1133251 - Ga Yat La Mee
1133252 - Shwe Hlay Chaung (Twan)
1133253 - Pya Tha Taik
1133254 - Ah Twin Yae Kyaw
1133255 - Ka Don Village Tract
1133256 - Hnget Pyaw San
1133257 - Kha Loke
1133258 - Wet Chaung
1133259 - Shan Su
1133260 - Htaw Tho
1133261 - Ma Yan Ta Pin
1133262 - Mar La Kar Rubber Chan
1133263 - Ta Loke Htaw
1133264 - Yangon Rubber Chan

Twantay Myanmar Postcode

In Twantay Myanmar, there are a total of 73 Postcodes, and the postcode range is 1133001 to 1133264. Twantay Postcode consists of a 7-digit code, Where the first 2-digits represent the region/province, The next two digits represent the district area, and the last 3 digit identify the local delivery area or specific Village Name. The postal system in the Myanmar is operated by MyanmarPost, which is the national postal service.A new postal code system was implemented in 2022, transitioning from a 5-digit format to a 7-digit format.


How many digits are there in a Twantay Myanmar postcode?
Twantay Myanmar used a 7-digit postal code system and the format is XXXXXXX.

What is Twantay Myanmar Address Format?

Ko Wai
90 Bogalay Zay St
1133001 - Kun Chan Quarter

What is Twantay Myanmar Zipcode Format?
Twantay Myanmar Postal code format