Bay of Plenty Postcode
Bay Of Plenty Zip code / Bay Of Plenty Postal Code
Bay Of Plenty Postcode also known as Bay Of Plenty Zip Code, introduced by NZPost and implemented in June 2006, Bay Of Plenty Postcode is consists of four digits in the format XXXX, the first digit represents the postal zone, and the last 3 digits represent the city or special area in Bay Of Plenty to identify specific areas and locations for mail delivery.
There are total 84 postcode in Bay Of Plenty and range of zipcode is 3010 to 3642. View all the postcode on map of Bay Of Plenty by clicking on our mapview appliction.
FAQ:-1. What is the format of Postcode of Bay Of Plenty?
Bay Of Plenty postcode follow the standard 4-digit format is XXXX.
2. How many postcode are there in Bay Of Plenty?
There are approximately 84 postcodes in Bay Of Plenty, covering a vast area of the state.
3. Do all areas in Bay Of Plenty have postcode?
Yes, almost all populated areas in Bay Of Plenty are assigned a unique postcode for mail delivery purposes.
George Williams
43 Vogel Street
Ohinemutu 3010
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand