Hungary Postal code
Hungary Postal code
Hungary Zip code also know hungary postal code (irányítószám ) in Hungarian. The Hungarian postal code is a four-digit number, The first digits indicate the region, beginning with 10 in Budapest, the capital and the Next 2digit represent the City/District. and the last digit represent the Post office. Hungarian Mail was established in 1867 to start postal service in hungary. The Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post) is now a public company headquartered in Budapest. Magyar Posta is responsible for the collection, sorting, and delivery of mail and parcels within Hungary.
List of Hungary Region with 1digit postal code
1xxx Budapest
2xxx Szentendre
3xxx Hatvan
4xxx Debrecen
5xxx Szolnok
6xxx Kecskemet
7xxx Sarbogard
8xxx Szekesfehervar
9xxx Gyor
In our postal code search, you can find all of Hungary's ZIP codes.
The Republic of Hungary is a member of the European Union. Hungary is located in the eastern part of Central Europe, with Budapest serving as the country's capital and largest city. Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, and Pécs are also important cities. Hungary does not have access to the sea, and Hungarian is the official language. Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia are its neighbours
Does Hungary have postal codes?
Yes, Hungary used a 4-digit Postal code sytem and there are total 3046 Postal code in the country.
What is Hungary ZIP Code?
The Hungarian postal code is a four-digit number, The first digits indicate the region, Next 2digit represent the City. and the last digit represent the Post office.
What is budapest hungary zip code
Zip code for budapest hungary is range is 1007 to 1299
Kis Zoltan
Arpad Fejedelem Utja 82. Fszt. 2

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 3046 Postal Code In Hungary
- Postal Code Type :- 4-digit
- Toal Population :- 10.2Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Budapest
- Dialing Code :-36