Yenipazar Posta Kodu

09350-Alhan Mah
09350-Aliogullar Mah
09350-Carsi Mah
09350-Cavdar Mah
09350-Culhan Mah
09350-Derekoy Mah
09350-Direcik Mah
09350-Dogu Mah
09350-Donduran Mah
09350-Egridere Mah
09350-Hacikoseler Mah
09350-Hamzabali Mah
09350-Hukumet Mah
09350-Karacakal Mah
09350-Karacaoren Mah
09350-Koyunlar Mah
09350-Pasakoy Mah
09350-Yeni Mah
The Postal code of Yenipazar, Aydin Turkey is 09350. There are a total of 18 Post Offices in Yenipazar. Yenipazar Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Yenipazar Address Format?

Alperen Cetin
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Yenipazar Zipcode format?
Yenipazar  Posta kodu and Yenipazar  Address Format