Aglasun Posta Kodu

15800-Bala Mah
15800-Cinar Mah
15800-Hamam Mah
15800-Kirac Mah
15800-Kum Mah
15800-Sakarca Mah
15802-Asagiyumrutas Koyu
15802-Bakirli Mah (Yumrutas Koyu)
15802-Camlidere Koyu
15802-Camova Mah (Yumrutas Koyu)
15802-Deregozu Mah (Yesilbaskoy Koyu)
15802-Derekoy Koyu
15802-Eynazli Mah (Yesilbaskoy Koyu)
15802-Fatih Mah (Mamak Koyu)
15802-Gokbel Mah (Camlidere Koyu)
15802-Harmancik Mah (Camlidere Koyu)
15802-Hisar Koyu
15802-Karagol Mah (Camlidere Koyu)
15802-Kiprit Koyu
15802-Sakarlar Mah (Yazir Koyu)
15802-Sakizlik Mah (Camlidere Koyu)
15802-Yavuz Mah (Mamak Koyu)
15802-Yazir Koyu
The Postal code of Aglasun, Burdur Turkey ranges from 15800 to 15802. There are a total of 23 Post Offices and 2 postal codes in Aglasun. Aglasun Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Aglasun Address Format?

Guler Simsek
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Aglasun Zipcode format?
Aglasun  Posta kodu and Aglasun  Address Format