Buyukorhan Posta Kodu

16990-Akcasaz Mah
16990-Aktas Mah
16990-Armutcuk Mah
16990-Bademlik Mah
16990-Balaban Mah
16990-Bayindir Mah
16990-Burunca Mah
16990-Cakiryenice Mah
16990-Ceribasi Mah
16990-Cumhuriyet Mah
16990-Danacali Mah
16990-Danacilar Mah
16990-Demirler Mah
16990-Derecik Mah
16990-Dugunculer Mah
16990-Durhasan Mah
16990-Elekcali Mah
16990-Ericek Mah
16990-Gedikler Mah
16990-Geynik Mah
16990-Haciahmetler Mah
16990-Hacilar Mah
16990-Hemseriler Mah
16990-Hocahasan Mah
16990-Ismetiye Mah
16990-Karaagiz Mah
16990-Karacukur Mah
16990-Karalar Mah
16990-Kayapa Mah
16990-Kinik Mah
16990-Kuslar Mah
16990-Mazlumlar Mah
16990-Orencik Mah
16990-Orhan Mah
16990-Osmanlar Mah
16990-Ozluce Mah
16990-Percin Mah
16990-Pinarkoy Mah
16990-Pirebeyler Mah
16990-Sarnic Mah
16990-Tekerler Mah
16990-Yenice Mah
16990-Zaferiye Mah
The Postal code of Buyukorhan, Bursa Turkey is 16990. There are a total of 43 Post Offices in Buyukorhan. Buyukorhan Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Buyukorhan Address Format?

Osman Ozturk
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Buyukorhan Zipcode format?
Buyukorhan  Posta kodu and Buyukorhan  Address Format