Iznik Posta Kodu

16860-Aydinlar Mah
16860-Bayindir Mah
16860-Beyler Mah
16860-Boyalica Mah
16860-Cakirca Mah
16860-Camdibi Mah
16860-Camoluk Mah
16860-Campinar Mah
16860-Candarli Mah
16860-Cicekli Mah
16860-Derbent Mah
16860-Derekoy Mah
16860-Dirazali Mah
16860-Elbeyli Mah
16860-Elmali Mah
16860-Esrefzade Mah
16860-Golluce Mah
16860-Gurmuzlu Mah
16860-Haciosman Mah
16860-Hisardere Mah
16860-Hocakoy Mah
16860-Ihsaniye Mah
16860-Inikli Mah
16860-Karatekin Mah
16860-Kaynarca Mah
16860-Kirinti Mah
16860-Kutluca Mah
16860-Mahmudiye Mah
16860-Mahmut Celebi Mah
16860-Mecidiye Mah
16860-Muskule Mah
16860-Mustafa Kemal Pasa Mah
16860-Mustafali Mah
16860-Omerli Mah
16860-Orhaniye Mah
16860-Osmaniye Mah
16860-Sansarak Mah
16860-Sariagil Mah
16860-Selcuk Mah
16860-Serefiye Mah
16860-Suleymaniye Mah
16860-Tacir Mah
16860-Yeni Mah
16860-Yeniserefiye Mah
16860-Yesil Camii Mah
16860-Yurukler Mah
The Postal code of Iznik, Bursa Turkey is 16860. There are a total of 46 Post Offices in Iznik. Iznik Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Iznik Address Format?

Halil Kurt
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Iznik Zipcode format?
Iznik  Posta kodu and Iznik  Address Format