Keles Posta Kodu

16740-Akcapinar Mah
16740-Alpagut Mah
16740-Avdan Mah
16740-Barakli Mah
16740-Basak Mah
16740-Belenoren Mah
16740-Biyiklialani Mah
16740-Cukur Mah
16740-Cuma Mah
16740-Dag Demirciler Mah
16740-Dagdibi Mah
16740-Davutlar Mah
16740-Dedeler Mah
16740-Delice Mah
16740-Denizler Mah
16740-Durak Mah
16740-Duvenli Mah
16740-Epceler Mah
16740-Ertugrulgazi Mah
16740-Gelemic Mah
16740-Gokoz Mah
16740-Harmanalani Mah
16740-Harmancik Demirci Mah
16740-Haydar Mah
16740-Hereke Mah
16740-Issizoren Mah
16740-Karaardic Mah
16740-Kemaliye Mah
16740-Kiran Isiklar Mah
16740-Kirazli Mah
16740-Koca Kovacik Mah
16740-Kozbudaklar Mah
16740-Kucuk Kovacik Mah
16740-Mentese Mah
16740-Pinarcik Mah
16740-Sofular Mah
16740-Sorgun Mah
16740-Uzunoz Mah
16740-Yagcilar Mah
16740-Yazibasi Mah
16740-Yenice Mah
16740-Yunuslar Mah
The Postal code of Keles, Bursa Turkey is 16740. There are a total of 42 Post Offices in Keles. Keles Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Keles Address Format?

Serkan Cetin
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Keles Zipcode format?
Keles  Posta kodu and Keles  Address Format