Kestel Posta Kodu

16450-Aglasan Mah
16450-Ahmet Vefik Pasa Osb Mah
16450-Ahmetvefikpasa Mah
16450-Aksu Mah
16450-Alacam Mah
16450-Babasultan Mah
16450-Barakfakih Mah
16450-Barakfakih Osb Mah
16450-Burhaniye Mah
16450-Cataltepe Mah
16450-Derekizik Mah
16450-Dudakli Mah
16450-Erdogan Mah
16450-Esentepe Mah
16450-Golbasi Mah
16450-Golcuk Mah
16450-Gozede Mah
16450-Kale Mah
16450-Kayacik Mah
16450-Kazanci Mah
16450-Kozluoren Mah
16450-Lutfiye Mah
16450-Narlidere Mah
16450-Nuzhetiye Mah
16450-Orhaniye Mah
16450-Osmaniye Mah
16450-Saitabat Mah
16450-Sayfiye Mah
16450-Serme Mah
16450-Sevketiye Mah
16450-Seymen Mah
16450-Soguksu Mah
16450-Turankoy Mah
16450-Umitalan Mah
16450-Vanimehmet Mah
16450-Yagmurlu Mah
16450-Yeni Mah
The Postal code of Kestel, Bursa Turkey is 16450. There are a total of 37 Post Offices in Kestel. Kestel Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Kestel Address Format?

Ramazan Polat
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Kestel Zipcode format?
Kestel  Posta kodu and Kestel  Address Format