Mudanya Posta Kodu

16940-Akkoy Mah
16940-Altintas Mah
16940-Aydinpinar Mah
16940-Bademli Mah
16940-Balabancik Mah
16940-Cagrisan Mah
16940-Camlik Mah
16940-Cayonu Mah
16940-Cekrice Mah
16940-Cepni Mah
16940-Cinarli Mah
16940-Dedekoy Mah
16940-Derekoy Mah
16940-Egerce Mah
16940-Emirleryenicesi Mah
16940-Esence Mah
16940-Evciler Mah
16940-Goynuklu Mah
16940-Guzelyali Burgaz Mah
16940-Guzelyali Egitim Mah
16940-Guzelyali Siteler Mah
16940-Guzelyali Yali Mah
16940-Halitpasa Mah
16940-Hancerli Mah
16940-Hasanbey Mah
16940-Haskoy Mah
16940-Ipekyayla Mah
16940-Isikli Mah
16940-Kaymakoba Mah
16940-Kucukyenice Mah
16940-Kumyaka Mah
16940-Mesudiye Mah
16940-Mirzaoba Mah
16940-Mursel Mah
16940-Mutareke Mah
16940-Omerbey Mah
16940-Orhaniye Mah
16940-Sogutpinar Mah
16940-Sukrucavus Mah
16940-Tirilye Mah
16940-Ulku Mah
16940-Yaliciftlik Mah
16940-Yaman Mah
16940-Yaylacik Mah
16940-Yeni Mah
16940-Yorukali Mah
16940-Yorukyenicesi Mah
The Postal code of Mudanya, Bursa Turkey is 16940. There are a total of 47 Post Offices in Mudanya. Mudanya Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Mudanya Address Format?

Omer Gungor
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Mudanya Zipcode format?
Mudanya  Posta kodu and Mudanya  Address Format