Hassa Posta Kodu

31700-15 Kasim Mah
31700-Akbez Mah
31700-Akkulek Mah
31700-Aktepe Mah
31700-Ardicli Mah
31700-Arpaliusagi Mah
31700-Asagikarafakili Mah
31700-Bademli Mah
31700-Bintas Mah
31700-Buhara Mah
31700-Cay Mah
31700-Cinarbasi Mah
31700-Dedemli Mah
31700-Demrek Mah
31700-Dervis Pasa Mah
31700-Egribucak Mah
31700-Gazelusagi Mah
31700-Girne Mah
31700-Gulkent Mah
31700-Gulpinar Mah
31700-Guvenc Mah
31700-Hacilar Mah
31700-Haydarlar Mah
31700-Katranlik Mah
31700-Koruhuyuk Mah
31700-Kureci Mah
31700-Mazmanli Mah
31700-Sapanozu Mah
31700-Sogut Mah
31700-Sugedigi Mah
31700-Tepebasi Mah
31700-Tiyek Mah
31700-Yeni Mah
31700-Yeniyapan Mah
31700-Yoluklar Mah
31700-Yukaribucak Mah
31700-Yukarikarafakili Mah
31700-Yuvali Mah
31700-Zeytinoba Mah
The Postal code of Hassa, Hatay Turkey is 31700. There are a total of 39 Post Offices in Hassa. Hassa Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Hassa Address Format?

Ismail Celik
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Hassa Zipcode format?
Hassa  Posta kodu and Hassa  Address Format