Yayladagi Posta Kodu

31550-Arslanyazi Mah
31550-Asagipulluyazi Mah
31550-Aydinbahce Mah
31550-Ayisigi Mah
31550-Bezge Mah
31550-Bozlu Mah
31550-Cabala Mah
31550-Caki Mah
31550-Caksina Mah
31550-Camalti Mah
31550-Candir Mah
31550-Catbasi Mah
31550-Cayir Mah
31550-Denizgoren Mah
31550-Dusduru Mah
31550-Egerci Mah
31550-Gorentas Mah
31550-Gozluce Mah
31550-Gurisik Mah
31550-Guvecci Mah
31550-Guzelyurt Mah
31550-Hisarcik Mah
31550-Karacurun Mah
31550-Karakose Mah
31550-Kislak Mah
31550-Kizilcat Mah
31550-Kosrelik Mah
31550-Kulac Mah
31550-Kurtulus Mah
31550-Leylekli Mah
31550-Olgunlar Mah
31550-Saksak Mah
31550-Sebenoba Mah
31550-Senkoy Mah
31550-Sungur Mah
31550-Surutme Mah
31550-Turfanda Mah
31550-Tutlubahce Mah
31550-Ucirmak Mah
31550-Uluyol Mah
31550-Yalaz Mah
31550-Yayikdamlar Mah
31550-Yenice Mah
31550-Yesiltepe Mah
31550-Yoncakaya Mah
31550-Yukariokcular Mah
31550-Yukaripulluyazi Mah
The Postal code of Yayladagi, Hatay Turkey is 31550. There are a total of 47 Post Offices in Yayladagi. Yayladagi Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Yayladagi Address Format?

Selim Ozdemir
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Yayladagi Zipcode format?
Yayladagi  Posta kodu and Yayladagi  Address Format