Karapinar Posta Kodu

42400-Adalet Mah
42400-Akcayazi Mah
42400-Akoren Mah
42400-Alaaddin Mah
42400-Apak Mah
42400-Cetmi Mah
42400-Cigil Mah
42400-Cumhuriyet Mah
42400-Fatih Mah
42400-Fevzi Pasa Mah
42400-Gazi Osman Pasa Mah
42400-Haci Isa Mah
42400-Haci Omerli Mah
42400-Hankapi Mah
42400-Hasanoba Mah
42400-Hotamis Mah
42400-Ipekci Mah
42400-Ipekciosb Mah
42400-Islik Mah
42400-Ismet Pasa Mah
42400-Kale Mah
42400-Karakisla Mah
42400-Kayacik Mah
42400-Kayali Mah
42400-Kazanhuyugu Mah
42400-Kesmez Mah
42400-Kucukaslama Mah
42400-Kullu Mah
42400-Ortaoba Mah
42400-Oymali Mah
42400-Pinarbasi Mah
42400-Resadiye Mah
42400-Sandikli Mah
42400-Sazlipinar Mah
42400-Selimiye Mah
42400-Turudiye Mah
42400-Ulus Mah
42400-Yagmapinar Mah
42400-Yeni Mah
42400-Yenikuyu Mah
42400-Yesilyurt Mah
42400-Yunus Emre Mah
42400-Zafer Mah
The Postal code of Karapinar, Konya Turkey is 42400. There are a total of 43 Post Offices in Karapinar. Karapinar Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Karapinar Address Format?

Ramazan Polat
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Karapinar Zipcode format?
Karapinar  Posta kodu and Karapinar  Address Format