Yunak Posta Kodu

42530-Altinoz Mah
42530-Ayritepe Mah
42530-Besisikli Mah
42530-Bogrudelik Mah
42530-Cayirbasi Mah
42530-Cebrail Mah
42530-Egrikuyu Mah
42530-Esentepe Mah
42530-Esme Mah
42530-Fatih Mah
42530-Hacifakili Mah
42530-Haciomeroglu Mah
42530-Harunlar Mah
42530-Hatirli Mah
42530-Hursunlu Mah
42530-Imamoglu Mah
42530-Karatas Mah
42530-Karayayla Mah
42530-Kargali Mah
42530-Killar Mah
42530-Kocyazi Mah
42530-Kurtusagi Mah
42530-Kuyubasi Mah
42530-Kuzoren Mah
42530-Meselik Mah
42530-Odabasi Mah
42530-Ortakisla Mah
42530-Ozyayla Mah
42530-Piribeyli Mah
42530-Saray Mah
42530-Selcuk Mah
42530-Sertler Mah
42530-Sevinc Mah
42530-Sinanli Mah
42530-Siram Mah
42530-Suluklu Mah
42530-Turgut Mah
42530-Yavasli Mah
42530-Yeni Mah
42530-Yesiloba Mah
42530-Yesilyayla Mah
42530-Yigar Mah
The Postal code of Yunak, Konya Turkey is 42530. There are a total of 42 Post Offices in Yunak. Yunak Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Yunak Address Format?

Serdar Kılıc
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Yunak Zipcode format?
Yunak  Posta kodu and Yunak  Address Format