Koycegiz Posta Kodu

48800-Akkopru Mah
48800-Balcilar Mah
48800-Beyobasi Mah
48800-Candir Mah
48800-Cayhisar Mah
48800-Dogusbelen Mah
48800-Ekincik Mah
48800-Gelisim Mah
48800-Gulpinar Mah
48800-Hamitkoy Mah
48800-Karacam Mah
48800-Kavakarasi Mah
48800-Koycegiz Mah
48800-Otmanlar Mah
48800-Pinar Mah
48800-Sazak Mah
48800-Sultaniye Mah
48800-Toparlar Mah
48800-Ulucami Mah
48800-Yangi Mah
48800-Yayla Mah
48800-Yeni Mah
48800-Yesilkoy Mah
48800-Zaferler Mah
48800-Zeytinalani Mah
The Postal code of Koycegiz, Mugla Turkey is 48800. There are a total of 25 Post Offices in Koycegiz. Koycegiz Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Koycegiz Address Format?

Perihan Sonmez
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Koycegiz Zipcode format?
Koycegiz  Posta kodu and Koycegiz  Address Format