Ciftlik Posta Kodu
51800-Asmasiz Mah
51800-Carsi Mah
51800-Ciftci Mah
51800-Yeni Mah
51802-1.Ci Kume Mah (Cardak Koyu)
51802-2.Ci Kume Mah (Cardak Koyu)
51802-3.Ci Kume Mah (Cardak Koyu)
51802-Alisli Mah (Cinarli Koyu)
51802-Asagi Mevki Mah (Seyhler Koyu)
51802-Bahce Mah (Kula Koyu)
51802-Bekiroglu Mah (Kula Koyu)
51802-Cakil Ici Mevki Mah (Seyhler Koyu)
51802-Cardak Koyu
51802-Carsi Mah (Kitreli Koyu)
51802-Cinarli Koyu
51802-Koprubasi Mah (Kitreli Koyu)
51802-Koyalti Mah (Kula Koyu)
51802-Mahmutlu Koyu
51802-Mezaralti Mah (Kula Koyu)
51802-Murtazakoy Koyu
51802-Ovalibag Koyu
51802-Sultanpinari Koyu
51802-Ulucami Mah (Kitreli Koyu)
51802-Yeni Mah (Kitreli Koyu)
51802-Yeni Mevki Mah (Seyhler Koyu)
51802-Yukari Mevki Mah (Kula Koyu)
51802-Yukari Mevki Mah (Seyhler Koyu)
51810-Cayir Mah (Azatli Beldesi)
51810-Kulluce Mah (Azatli Beldesi)
51810-Sagirgol Mah (Azatli Beldesi)
51810-Yeni Mah (Azatli Beldesi)
51810-Yesilkent Mah (Azatli Beldesi)
51815-Alpaslan Mah (Divarli Beldesi)
51815-Fatih Mah (Divarli Beldesi)
51815-Yeni Mah (Divarli Beldesi)
51816-Yenice Mah (Bozkoy Beldesi)
51816-Yenikent Mah (Bozkoy Beldesi)
51816-Yesilyurt Mah (Bozkoy Beldesi)
The Postal code of Ciftlik, Nigde Turkey ranges from 51800 to 51816. There are a total of 38 Post Offices and 5 postal codes in Ciftlik. Ciftlik Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Ciftlik Address Format?
Omer Polat
H.No #22 Street Name
What is Ciftlik Zipcode format?