Uludere Posta Kodu

73600-Gundogdu Mah
73600-Kilaban Mah
73600-Kucukcay Mah
73600-Odul Mah
73600-Ozelli Mah
73600-Yesilyova Mah
73602-Andac Koyu
73602-Aslanli Mah (Andac Koyu)
73602-Bagli Koyu
73602-Baglica Koyu
73602-Balli Koyu
73602-Bulakbasi Mah
73602-Dagdibi Koyu
73602-Gulyazi Koyu
73602-Inceler Koyu
73602-Isikveren Koyu
73602-Ortabag Koyu
73602-Ortakoy Koyu
73602-Ortasu Koyu
73602-Tasdelen Koyu
73602-Yemisli Koyu
73620-Ayyildiz Mah (Senoba Beldesi)
73620-Baskaya Mah (Senoba Beldesi)
73620-Cumhuriyet Mah (Senoba Beldesi)
73620-Gazi Mah (Senoba Beldesi)
73630-Gunesli Mah (Hilal Beldesi)
73630-Sehan Mah (Hilal Beldesi)
73630-Yildiz Mah (Hilal Beldesi)
73660-Ayyildiz Mah (Uzungecit Beldesi)
73660-Pinarbasi Mah (Uzungecit Beldesi)
73660-Tanin Mah (Uzungecit Beldesi)
73660-Yenisehir Mah (Uzungecit Beldesi)
The Postal code of Uludere, Sivas Turkey ranges from 73600 to 73660. There are a total of 32 Post Offices and 5 postal codes in Uludere. Uludere Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Uludere Address Format?

Mert Yavuz
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Uludere Zipcode format?
Uludere  Posta kodu and Uludere  Address Format