Besikduzu Posta Kodu

61800-Adacik Mah
61800-Agacli Mah
61800-Akkese Mah
61800-Aksakli Mah
61800-Anbarli Mah
61800-Ardicatak Mah
61800-Bayirkoy Mah
61800-Besikdag Mah
61800-Bozlu Mah
61800-Cakirli Mah
61800-Cesmeonu Mah
61800-Citlakli Mah
61800-Cumhuriyet Mah
61800-Daglica Mah
61800-Denizli Mah
61800-Dolanli Mah
61800-Duygulu Mah
61800-Fatih Mah
61800-Gurgenli Mah
61800-Hunerli Mah
61800-Kaleguney Mah
61800-Korkuthan Mah
61800-Kutluca Mah
61800-Nefsisarli Mah
61800-Oguz Mah
61800-Resullu Mah
61800-Sahmelik Mah
61800-Sayvancik Mah
61800-Seyitahmet Mah
61800-Takazli Mah
61800-Vardalli Mah
61800-Yenicami Mah
61800-Yesilkoy Mah
61800-Zemberek Mah
The Postal code of Besikduzu, Trabzon Turkey is 61800. There are a total of 34 Post Offices in Besikduzu. Besikduzu Postal code consists of 5 digits, and the format is XXXXX. The first two digits of the postal code represent the main province or major city, and the last three digits represent the specific district or city.The postal service in Turkey is operated by the national company "PTT" (Posta ve Telgraf Teskilatı), which is known as the Turkish Post.
What is Besikduzu Address Format?

Aylin Gungor
H.No #22 Street Name

What is Besikduzu Zipcode format?
Besikduzu  Posta kodu and Besikduzu  Address Format